What would it feel like to be in a space that you felt totally ACCEPTED, VALIDATED and LOVED.

What would it feel like to be able to put yourself in that space, where you take time to LOVE yourself, ACCEPT yourself and JUST BE yourself.
Picture yourself in a place of pure acceptance. Breathe in Possibility, Breathe out excuses.
Hmmm… sounds good…But…”How do I get there?” So glad you asked… Please step into my office. I invite you to PLAY! The kids will lead the way.

The crayons, markers, paint, brushes, paper, canvases are the tools we will be using. Super SWEET and very low calorie Candy for an artist.
Supply list:
8” square of black paper
8-12 pencil crayons (Prismacolor work best) 1 white- the rest a rainbow of color.
Trace a circle using the CD with the white pencil on the square. Then play the CD or music of your choice- Caution** if using a playlist on cell phone – block any distractions- even the zen ringer-turn off. Light a candle and/or make a cup of tea.
Breathe in, Breathe out.

This circle represents a creative free space that is not judged. You can do whatever you want to in this space. Play with lines and color, shade, dots, and circles. Rotate the drawing in any direction to discover interesting compositions. Whatever your heart desires. There is no right or wrong, no grades are given out (you already get an A+)
Let go, Let go, Let go…
Choose Love over fear. Fun over Frustration. Acceptance over Expectations.
Breathe in, Breathe out.

Pick up White pencil and start at the center of the circle. Enter your playground, spend as much time here as you wish. Add color if and when you intuitively feel like it, explore freely. No need for an eraser, as there are no mistakes, only happy accidents. Write yourself a Love Letter, Play in your sandbox for as long as you like. Create until you feel complete.

Breathe in, Breathe out.
Take the time to look at what you created, write any thoughts on back or front of paper.

Save it, Burn it, Frame it or put it under your pillow. Maybe mist it with a favorite scent. I recommend Lavender.
Repeat often.
Happy Valentines Day!
In Creative Spirit,
“ Art is always a mirror- It always speaks not just about what is out there, in the subject; it also speaks about what’s in here, in the artist.” —Jean Carbonetti